Tuesday, April 25, 2017

And So It Begins....Obedience!

In what area is your disobedience?  Is it that relative who you can't forgive? Is it that neighbor you need to stop and help? Is it that project you know you should complete? Is it that person at work that you avoid? For me it is writing...writing about the events in my life, the fun things and the faith things. A large part of my disobedience stems from thoughts that move all over the board. Thoughts like "Why would anyone want to read what I write" to "People will judge and criticize me". However, none of these things matter. My obedience is not for you or for me, it is for God. For a long time, years, I have been trying to figure this calling out. How do I write? Books? Articles? What do I write? Fiction? Non-fiction? I realize though that most of my crazy thinking is just excuses. A way to delay that which I just don't want to do.

Now don't get me wrong! I love to write. In many ways it is as natural as breathing for me. So why the struggle? I think, like any area of disobedience, to obey means to open myself up to others. To obey means to abandon myself to trusting in God's faithfulness. There is an underlying fear, if we are honest. What will it mean to forgive, to love the unlovable, to talk to that person, even to complete a project that would gain the attention of others. So today it begins. Welcome to my blog: Fun & Faith. Here I will just write and post. Stories, some from long ago as I try and catch up with years of disobedience. Many that will happen currently. Some funny, some serious, but all stemming from a heart to glorify and please God.

My prayer is that what I write might cause just one person to be encouraged, to be bold. To try something they never thought they would or could. My hope is that what I write might cause someone to laugh again. Most importantly my desire is to share and witness to the absolute faithfulness of God. So time to jump knowing He will catch me. I pray that today might be your day too. Jump! Go for it! Say yes and see what happens next!

OBEY - to comply with a law, direction or a request; to submit to the authority of; to carry out or behave in accordance with.

1 Samuel 15:22 NLT - What is more pleasing to the Lord: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to His voice? Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice and submission is better than offering the fat of rams.